On Friday 29th September, our Chairman, David MacIntyre, along with members of the GoodWill Committee, Jock Ramsay, Frances Nixseaman and Ann-Mills Duggan, attended the Highland Business Awards held at Kingsmills Hotel, as GlenWyvis Distillery was a finalist in the Community Engagement Category, and we won!
We are delighted to be the winners of this award. As a community-benefit society, engaging with the community is one of our biggest aims, and to be recognised for doing so is extremely rewarding.
As Jock mentions in the video adjacent, giving money back to the community is something we have been working towards for the last few years. In March of this year, we had our first GoodWill Fund Prize Giving, and we are extremely excited to announce that applications for the second round of funding are now open!
The GoodWill Fund is a core function of GlenWyvis Distillery
Community Benefit Society as set out in the Society’s rules, which is “to exist
in order to carry on business for the benefit of the community”. The GoodWill Fund was built up by putting aside five per cent of online sales of GlenWyvis whisky and gin.
This round of the GoodWill Fund, which is administered by the GlenWyvis
Distillery Community Benefit Society, is the largest yet at £20,000.
Applications are being accepted from communities and organisations in Ross-shire for initiatives with educational, cultural or entrepreneurial benefits.
Click here to find out more information regarding The GoodWill Fund, download an application pack, and have a read at what the last award winners are doing with their reward.